Dear Users,
Assalam O' Alaikum,
We are pleased to announce plagiarism checking service for students and faculty. This service uses Turnitin - a globally recognized plagiarism checker provided to NUST by HEC. Plagiarism of thesis and research papers can now be checked even before the final submission. We truly believe that you would greatly benefit from this service. Yet again your feedback has allowed us to improve LMS. Let us know what other features you would like to see in future.
Assalam O' Alaikum,
We are pleased to announce plagiarism checking service for students and faculty. This service uses Turnitin - a globally recognized plagiarism checker provided to NUST by HEC. Plagiarism of thesis and research papers can now be checked even before the final submission. We truly believe that you would greatly benefit from this service. Yet again your feedback has allowed us to improve LMS. Let us know what other features you would like to see in future.
Tutorial is Here
(This service is not a replacement for checking plagiarism in student assignments. Teachers should keep using the Turnitin assignment option.)
Thank you,
LMS Team