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Survey about Human Behaviours

Survey about Human Behaviours

by Ali Baig -
Number of replies: 0

Survey can be found at the following link.

Who we are and what are we doing?
We are a team of individuals, trying to extend the human capabilities through robots. So, you can tag us as engineers with a passion of making the interaction, between humans and robots, natural and collaborative. For this purpose, we need to get a public opinion about some human emotional states through a survey.
What this survey is about?
Through this survey, we are trying to find the usual behaviours of humans in the event of happiness, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise and fear.
We will use your response to classify the general behaviours attributed to the above mentioned emotional states. Afterwards, we will translate the best generalized responses for further investigation of our primary goal to improve human robot interaction to a more natural extent.
A few points to guide you through the survey:
    • Your responses will be completely anonymous and confidential.
    • Please be as natural and subjective as you can be while answering the question.
    • The question, How will you behave or respond in this case?is the most important one. You can reply in a single sentence as shown in the given example.
    • There are no wrong answers.